1200K Brevet 2007

Anthony works with both professional and amateur athletes, including Olympic athletes, triathletes, football players, baseball players, bodybuilders, and dancers. He understands the effort and discipline it takes to train consistently and remain injury-free, and he appreciates how difficult it is to be sidelined. He works with each athlete to optimize performance and limit down time from injuries.
Anthony also works with fitness enthusiasts and “corporate athletes” (anyone who has chronic pain that affects them at work or home) in order to regain the quality of life compromised by overuse injuries.
Nationally certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, Anthony is a member of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). He is a graduate of the Sports Massage Training Institute, and has extensive training in Active Release Techniques, Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Integration, and Neuromuscular Therapy. He is TPI (Titleist Performance Institute) certified in Medical, Fitness and Golf Professional for juniors Anthony is one of the few therapists in the country certified to teach the ART method and is one of only ten ART instructors in the Bay Area.
Having been an athlete all of his life, Anthony regularly participates in numerous adventure sports, including ultra cycling events, such as centuries and double centuries, Randonneuring (unsupported long-distance rides from 200 to 1200 kilometers in duration of up to 4 days/nights), and marathons. He also enjoys cycle touring, white water rafting, camping and fire walking. These events have taken him to destinations such as France, Spain, Honduras, Mexico, Canada, and the U.S.
Always an active supporter, Anthony has crewed for endurance athletes providing ART and support for RAAM (Race Across America), Furnace Creek 508, and Bad Water out-and-back run, as well as other cycling and running events.
Anthony presents workshops on injury prevention to corporations, athletic clubs, and high school and college athletic teams. He is widely recognized in the industry and routinely receives referrals from physicians, coaches, physical therapists.